Welcome to the Home of the RC Army

The Rockin' Cocks started as a three man pump team at a local Charlottesville paintball tournament in 2006. Since then the Rockin' Cocks have expanded to a full roster and network of teams across the world. The RC Army represents that family of pump players made up of the Rockin' Cocks, The RC Revolution (Northern VA), RC Red Star (Australia) and RC Sweden.

We play all kinds of paintball but what we love is playing tournaments with pumps. We don't care what the other team is shooting as long as we've got our pumps...we are having a good time.

Check out or rosters, videos, pics and propaganda. If you like what you see...or even if you don't...leave a comment and let us know what you think.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

RC take 2nd at NPPL... or are denied 1st perhaps.

                This past weekend was the NPPL DC event held at Pev’s Paintball in Aldie, VA. However, those that played the event, me included called it several different names throughout the weekend, of which none were positive.
                I have been a long time supporter of the NPPL and have made it a point to support a league that first took the initiative to offer a pump division at a national level. However, in the last few years the league has begun to care more about money, fame, and the professional players then those at the divisional level who pay their way and support the league. Now for those that don’t play pump or stay in the know should know that at the beginning of this season the NPPL canceled the pump division.  However, after much criticism they brought the division back with a higher than ever entry fee. I had made the decision after they canceled the division that RC would not play any NPPL events this year, except for NPPL DC. The plan was to cash in our free entry voucher and play up a division for fun; however, the NPPL would only let us use the voucher for pump, which was fine with the team and me. Either way we were playing this event just because it would be cheap and we wanted a chance to finally win a NPPL DC (prior to this we had two 2nd place finishes and a 5th place finish at this event) event, which has been something we have been trying to do for 4yrs. 
                Now with the above all said and done, I went ahead and signed us up when the time came. Now I like to consider myself someone who is update on most tournaments, rules, etc, however, I always like to double check things I cannot find out on my own. Now in years past the DC event has always been a one day pump event (or two days) because the turnout is usually smaller than the other events. However, this year all the pump games have been played in a day (or at least that’s what I’ve heard or could find online). The only issue was that “day” has been different from event to event. I emailed the NPPL and asked them if they knew what day the event would be, in return I received a reply that stated they wouldn’t know until all the teams signed up, but they were planning on playing pump in a single day and would know more as the event grew closer. As the event grew closer I asked again and to their best knowledge pump would be played on one day, but they still didn’t know which one. I even went as far as to ask a second person within the NPPL to confirm this information for me and they stated one day as well. I made the team aware that the event would be one day, however, which day I did not know. The event grew closer and I was still awaiting an answer to which day we would be playing with much anticipation, however, an answer never came as promised and the schedule was released at 9PM the Tuesday night before the event. To my surprise the pump division was playing all three days of the event. I called the guys playing and after much bitching and scrambling everybody was able to get Friday off, so they could play the event. However, Thursday was the official check-in date and only 3 of the 5 playing could make it to the venue on time to check in (some guys just couldn’t get Thursday and Friday off on such short notice). I personally couldn’t make it until Friday morning so Dana, sat in at the captains meeting for me.  Dana was assured in the captains meeting that the NPPL was going to provide us with the best tournament experience ever and that if you needed anything Ed Poorman has dedicated the rest of his life to making the NPPL great. Ed also made it clear that he was the person to contact about tournament issues, because he had the time to investigate our problems.
                Friday rolls along and our first game is at 8:35am (games started at 8am) on Field Three. Now let me tell you about Field Three first…Field Three is the practice field used for this event, it has no air hook-up and you had to go to the turf fields’ pits to get air. It had netting on two sides of the field, so no spectators could watch (at the captains meeting we were told spectators to go get pit access to watch for free, however, when we tried this we were charged $10 a person and even after we tried to explain we still had to pay the $10 a person). The boundary lines were wrong and when we asked about them being extended to 5ft on each side as we were told this in the captain’s meeting. The head ref had no knowledge of this and when he did learn this only extended the snake side, despite all the other fields having both sides widened. Back to topic of an 8:35am first game, anybody that knows me knows I like to be early and ready to go. Since we needed to walk the field as a team still, pull paint, get two players checked in and get geared up, I advised the team to be at the field no later than 6:15am. When I arrived it appeared all was going well, the unchecked in players were checked in, the guys were getting ready, I pulled our paint, we walked the field and by 7:45am we were ready to go. Now I want to talk about the paint for this event for a moment, the NPPL is sponsored by Valken and supposedly you can only shoot Valken paint unless you’re a pro, because they can shoot whatever. We go to pull our paint and normally you test a few balls from each batch and figure out what is working best. Valken however just hands you a case of paint and there is no testing. We decided to shoot Valken Pro because we were told it was good and shouldn’t have any problems. However, this crap was deformed and rock hard. The regular Redemption wasn’t much better, but the positive part was it was around .689 bore size depending on what ball you tested. 8 AM rolls around when the first game is supposed to start and the field still has some deflated bunkers, and the refs are standing around talking, so at 8:30ish the first game is played and I assumed we were good from there. However, game three of the day on this field was the first pump game and the teams playing were no shows. After standing around waiting the game against West Coast Sharks and West Coast Nation was skipped and the teams continued playing. When it came time for our turn we were skipped right over and when I inquired why, I was told because the team we were supposed to be playing was playing a game on another field in another division and when they finished they were coming over to play us. I relay this news to the team and we begin our waiting game. Around 9:45am everybody is starting to become upset as the other teams have yet to show up and the other teams playing in the other division are just about done playing and we have yet to play a game. I go back over and inquire and learn the other teams playing don’t want to play pump yet because they want to finish their other division’s games first. To be honest I was cool with this, not thrilled but okay. What pissed me off was no one said a word to us about this until we had to go up and ask, so now were told our games would begin at 10:30am. We continued to wait, some guys went to watch games, others to check out the vendor’s area and I went and looked for the other teams’ captain. Now the reason I did this was because I have been told the pump games will be the last games played on this field, so I had the idea of why not play all the pump prelim games now and this way tomorrow we don’t have this schedule issue and nobody has to wait or be rushed. I find the other teams’ captain and he’s cool with this and we began our search for someone that could make this happen and after talking with several people, we were told this couldn’t happen because it wouldn’t be fair to the refs and that the schedule issue won’t happen because they changed the Saturday schedule (nobody knew about this until that moment). I went back to our pits and got everyone ready to play our 3 games scheduled for the day. Our 1st game of the day took place a little after 11am.  The first game was against West Coast Sharks 2.  The Sharks had a very aggressive breakout to the 50-snake, 50-wedge, 30-can, D1 and snake corner.  The 50-snake player was burned off break, but the corner filled the snake immediately.  PigPen was also clipped in the pack on the breakout, thus leaving the snake vulnerable and the Sharks used that to their advantage clearing the RC players one by one.  Our second game was against the West Coast Nation and the outcome was much better.  RC made it to all of its primary bunkers, Pigpen cleared out their 50 snake and wedge while Ninji and Amish cleaned up the D-side.  So after playing two games we were 1 and 1, Sharks 2 is 3 and 0 and Sharks Nation is 0 and 3.  We were waiting for our 3rd game but we were told there are no more games for the day and our last game must have been moved to Saturday. While, the team gets ready to leave I attempt to locate the new Saturday schedule. Now this should be easy, go to registration ask for the new schedule, sha’zam new schedule, however, this is the NPPL. I go ask Valarie for the new schedule and she gives me the old one. I explain this and she tells me she doesn’t know what I’m talking about and to find Tony, so I go around the pits and find Tony and after his smart ass comments about this he takes me to Ryan who makes the schedule and prints me off the new schedule. While walking back to the truck I realize we only play 5 games on Saturday and that gives us a total of 7 games. I counted the other team’s games and I realize Sharks 2 have 8 games and Sharks Nation also has 7 games. The missing game we were supposed to play today had not been included on Saturday’s schedule. I went back to registration, found Ryan and explained my findings. He does some checking and confirms there was in fact a missing game between Sharks nation and us. The plan Ryan decided on is to just add the missing game to the end of the schedule. I asked him if he’s going to reprint the schedule and he said no, he’s just going to put the extra score card in for tomorrow and tell the scorekeeper about the change. After sorting this out I linked back up with the team and made sure everyone was ready to go.  At this point everyone had enough and it was off to Dana’s to play some corn hole, eat, bitch about today, and discuss our plans for Saturday.
                Saturday comes around and our first game is scheduled for 12pm, everyone arrives around 10 AM and we begin to get ready. When it comes time to fill pods and so forth, I go to use our paint from yesterday and its rock hard, even more so then yesterday. Come to find out Scooter stored the paint in his house, which was about 60 something degrees, so needless to say we had to buy more paint and day 2 Valken paint wasn’t much better than day 1 Valken paint. So after I get the new paint and everybody is at the chrono, I check in with the scorekeeper to make sure the extra game was added. Despite it not being on the schedule the card was there and after a minute or two of explanation we were good to go. The games began a little late, but not super late. The fist game RC played on Saturday was against Sharks 2, RC made it to their primary bunkers and locked the field down from the aggressive play of Sharks 2. The Sharks fell one by one starting from the 50-wedge. The next matchup RC had was against Sharks 2 again.  The play was similar, but this time Pigpen, Scooter and Amish got taken out leaving Ninji and CMcD holding it down.  CMcD was in the carwash and Ninji was in D3 against 3 Sharks.  They managed to get the game to a 2 on 2 then the Sharks snake player started to run down CMcD.  CMcD realized the player was coming, so he jumped up in the middle of the carwash and shot the approaching player.  The player continued to play on shooting CMcD, but the ref did make a decision and said the CMcD had shot their guy first.  While the refs were sorting this out the other Shark player ran down and shot out CMcD.  Now you would have expected a one for one for playing on, but that didn’t happen.  Our next game was against Sharks Nation. RC broke out in the usual style PigPen in the snake, Scooter in God, Ninji and Amish to D2 and Can, and CMcD holding down the center.  Nation made a great move up the D-side and won the game.  The next game was against the Sharks 2 and RC was ready to play, we broke out and dominated Sharks 2 with 5 alive. We’re continued playing, grinding it out and the day is coming to a close. That’s when I realized the other team probably didn’t know about the additional game, so I go over and tell them. Now their captain was on the field at this time and when he came off he was pissed when he heard this. I explained what had happened and his reply was to accuse me of cheating and trying to get an extra game. The scorekeeper tried explaining and to be honest I thought she handled the situation well, even though she and I both felt we were gonna get hit at some point during this debate. The other captain goes and gets his schedule and team info he sees’ we’re right and makes a comment about it not mattering anyways. They already won the event because it’s total points. I said no, when we asked the NPPL we were told the top 2 teams were going on to play for 1st and 2nd. He says we’re wrong and when we ask the scorekeeper she has no idea, so they find the head guy running the field and he confirms the pump division is total points no finals. When I ask when the change occurred he said it never had been we must have been misinformed by registration or someone else and that they got pump 5-man mixed up with D4 5-man. I looked at our schedule and there are 3 total games left. We play 2 and Sharks 2 play 1 more. If Sharks 2 wins their last game they win the event and if they lose we have a chance to tie them for 1st and it comes down to points. However, Sharks 2 last game is against their b-team Sharks Nation and to be nice the Nation wasn’t the strongest team and Sharks 2 beat them easily, so we know the best we can do is 2nd, so that’s what we do. We won our last two games by dominating the Sharks Nation and we get 2nd place overall in the pump division. This though does not sit well with the team, as everyone is upset about the finals getting canceled and everything else that has gone wrong with this event. No matter what I say, I can’t change the teams mind or my mind for that matter; we had just been completely screwed over by the NPPL. Now most people would say well you should have won more games and I agree, however, when you know its top 2 going on and you’re in the top 2 you’re not too worried about winning. You’re worried about someone getting hurt, trying new things for the finals and so forth. I’m not saying we’re not trying to win; in fact we went 4 and 2 that day which was the best record of all the teams playing on Saturday in our division. What I’m saying is finding out 3 games before the tournament is over your finals is canceled is bullshit!
                Now before I go into my closing I want to discuss the reffing on field three. Atrocious is the first word that comes to mind, however, I must say they were at least equally bad to all the teams playing and no one got any special treatment. They were slow, arrived late, took more breaks than games played and seemed like they didn’t care if the bunkers were inflated one way or another. They didn’t want to make calls or check players, even when you could see the hits from the sidelines. I watched a player get shot (D4 player) multiply times in the pack as he dove into the snake and the head ref leaned in a little and called him clean. A second later he gets shot in the face and when he stands up his outer pod on his pack has about 2-3 clearly visible hits on it. Another time the head ref was screaming a player across field had been eliminated multiple times and even point at the player and this player continued to play, shoot people, and no penalty was pulled and not one of the other refs on that side went in to pull the player.  Now I can go on, however I’ll leave it at that, and close this paragraph with I heard the reffing on all the fields was pretty bad. How bad I don’t’ know but if it was as bad as what’s listed above I’m amazed there were no fights!
                So after everyone calmed down and packed up, I went over to registration to pick up our trophy and prize.  When I got there they confirmed what I already knew is that we got 2nd overall.  As I’m waiting I overhear Ed Poorman (Players Liaison) talking about how he hates 5man and doesn’t think it’s worth the bother in the NPPL. Now this is the guy who’s supposed to work with the players and he’s bashing a division and not only that, my division that already feels like 2nd class citizens at this event. Now I’m getting a little more visibly upset, when Chuck Hendsch walks over to me. He congratulates me and asked how we thought the event went. I asked him if he wanted the truth and he said yes, so I proceeded to tell him how the event went for us and for that moment he seemed to care and he listened to what I had to say. He went into the back to find out why the finals had been canceled because he wasn’t even aware of this and when he emerged he and I both knew there was nothing he could do. He tried to explain but to be honest I didn’t care, he even offered us $350 off a future event, of which I politely turned down because the team wanted nothing to do with the NPPL anymore unless major changes were made and he couldn’t promise this. He asked if we wanted to do the team picture and I told him no, everyone was upset and we just wanted to leave, so he hands me a check for $94.50 and our trophy/medals and we parted ways. As I’m walking back to the truck I realize the check says NPPL PUMP 2nd Place Chicago.
                 In closing I would like to thank our sponsors for providing us with great gear and support.  Although, we did not get 1st place RC conducted themselves in a professional manner and played hard despite all the schedule and format changes. I also want to apologize for all the people that read this, I didn’t discuss our playing in great detail which I usually do, but more or less I complained about

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